Nominations Committee

HomeAt A GlanceNominations Committee

Nominations Committee

The role of the Nominations Committee is to identify, vet and recommend new members to the HKIAC Council.  The Nominations Committee is mandated to enhance transparency, diversity and inclusion in respect of the HKIAC Council.  The Nominations Committee shall comprise individuals with the following profiles:

  • An ex-Council Member or retired Chairperson of HKIAC;
  • A prominent member of Hong Kong’s legal and/or arbitration community;
  • A prominent member of the international arbitration community;
  • An individual of high standing within the local or international legal, arbitration or business communities; and,
  • The current Chairperson(s) of HKIAC.


NamePositionExternal Position


International Arbitrator, Arbitration Chambers

Chiann BAOCommittee MemberIndependent Arbitrator, Arbitration Chambers
Toby LANDAU KCCommittee MemberArbitrator, Duxton Hill Chambers
The Hon Geoffrey MA GBM, KC, SCCommittee MemberBarrister/former Chief Justice of Hong Kong
David W. RIVKINCommittee MemberIndependent Arbitrator, Arbitration Chambers 
Rimsky YUEN GBM, SC, JPCommittee MemberSenior Counsel, Temple Chambers



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