Joint Statement by Arbitral Institutions: COVID-19

16 Apr 2020

HomeNewsJoint Statement by Arbitral Institutions: COVID-19
16 Apr 2020

Joint Statement by Arbitral Institutions:  COVID-19 and Arbitration 

HKIAC is pleased to join other major arbitral institutions in issuing a Joint Statement of support to parties and arbitral tribunals in these challenging times. As with other institutions, HKIAC is committed to ensuring that cases continue and are heard without undue delay. As we reported here, our case management team continues to provide full and uninterrupted support and our hearing facilities remain operational subject to certain precautionary measures. Parties and tribunals are encouraged to contact us for any information they may need in respect of our comprehensive e-hearing services, on which more information is available here. We will shortly be publishing further information about our ehearing work and holding a webinar dedicated to our technical experience. Details of that webinar will be released shortly.

The Joint Statement can be found by clicking on the link below.

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