New Choices for Dispute Resolution in a Changing Global Market: An Introduction to Hong Kong arbitration and the HKIAC

首頁活動New Choices for Dispute Resolution in a Changing Global Market: An Introduction to Hong Kong arbitration and the HKIAC
Latin America

In today’s changing global market place, Latin America and Asia are increasingly looking to each another for trade and investment opportunities. Many Asian countries have firmly taken their place as important trading partners for a number of Latin American nations. This developing commercial dynamic provides new opportunities, new challenges and new choices.
Being informed about your dispute resolution options is an important way to mitigate risk in this growing relationship. In this seminar, the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre’s (HKIAC) representative in Latin America, Kiran Sanghera, will provide an introduction to arbitration in Hong Kong and the HKIAC, its activities in your region and its suitability for Asia-Latin American commercial disputes.
