



The Straw that Stirs the Drink - Governing Law in International Commercial Arbitration

The presentation will address some of the practical issues in choosing between English law and New York law – told from the perspective of a lawyer/advocate who has practiced in both systems – as well as some other frequently-used candidates for governing law.

This event is now FULL HOUSE. If you are interested in joining, please email events@hkiac.org. We will send a confirmation email should spaces become available.

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Hong Kong

The Solution of Internet Litigation

Over the course of 21st century, the Internet continues to expand into daily lives of millions people. The threshold legal question of Internet litigation is being brought out by the investors. We will explain the development and the nature of Intellectual property protection, particularly in China, and analyzes the solution.

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Hong Kong

Young International Mediation Competition

Open to law students from around the world, competitors will be assessed on their skills as client representatives AND as mediators, with two days training at the beginnning of the competition with very experienced mediators this exciting new competition will give students a new insight into the practice and disciplines of mediation.

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Hong Kong

Young International Mediation Competition

Open to law students from around the world, competitors will be assessed on their skills as client representatives AND as mediators, with two days training at the beginnning of the competition with very experienced mediators this exciting new competition will give students a new insight into the practice and disciplines of mediation.

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Hong Kong

AMINZ Conference 2015

Held in New Zealand's capital, Wellington, from 23 - 25 July, 2015, and with the theme, " New Horizons", the conference promises a stimulating three days, with an add-on seminar on rural matters at the start of conference and a seminar with Dr John Sturrock QC the day after conference ends.

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New Zealand

International Arbitration in East Asia

In collaboration with the Taiwan Bar Association, HKIAC will present a half-day workshop to walk you through some of the most common issues in relation to arbitration in East Asia. We will be joined by a team of international and local dispute resolution experts who will tool you up with the necessary skills and techniques to manage arbitrations, emergency arbitrator procedures, and enforcement proceedings in East Asia.

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The Arts and Science of Negotiation & Mediation

This CPD talk will be a heartfelt sharing of Ms Chih's experience in negotiation/mediation. It is suitable for all legal practitioners, mediators, businessmen, executives/administrators who have to engage in business or legal negotiation/mediation to attend.

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Hong Kong

Practical Tips on Commercial Mediation Series (2)

The Commercial Mediation Interest Group of the HKMC is delighted to host a seminar on mediation and arbitration and is most honored to have two experienced speakers in both fields to share their thoughts with us.

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Hong Kong

HKIAC Mid-Year Celebration 2015

Celebrating the 30th Anniversary with Friends of Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre.Read more

Hong Kong

International Marketplace 2015: Going Global

Register now for the Law Society of England and Wales' annual International Marketplace conference on 1 July in London. The international legal services market is forecast to be worth £450bn in 2015 with ever increasing opportunities for law firms of all shapes, sizes and locations, from the biggest corporates to high street practitioners to firms outside the traditional legal hubs.Read more

United Kingdom

Fraud, Asset Tracing & Recovery Asia

C5’s unrivalled reputation in Civil Fraud events, Fraud, Asset Tracing and Recovery Asia will bring together the leading lawyers, regulatory experts and forensic accountants for this networking and learning event.

10% discount to The Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre members when you use booking code “HKIAC10”Read more

Hong Kong

Hong Kong - common AND civil? Have your cake and eat it too!

What are the differences between civil and common law? How do they impact arbitration proceedings? Why is Hong Kong a predestined seat for parties from civil law and common law backgrounds alike?Read more

Hong Kong

Corporate Counsel Forum Hong Kong

Join over 200 senior in-house professionals and hear from our Chairwoman Gill Meller, Legal Director and Secretary of MTR Corporation and a line-up of top specialists from Yihaodian, AIG, ACE and more, who will share their expertise and knowledge on the most important legal developments in the region. To find out more details and to view the programme please visit: www.ccf-hongkong.comRead more

Hong Kong

How to “Build a Golden Bridge”

Consequent to the Civil Justice Reform launched in April 2009, the use of mediation had been further extended to cover all civil cases in High Court and District Court. Ms Lam was appointed to the current role with the key responsibility of executing the reform through the establishment of the Mediation Information Office in the Judiciary.Read more


Party Representation: The Emergence of Codes of Conduct and Ethics in International Arbitration

In recent years there has been an explosion of interest in how parties and counsel conduct themselves in international arbitration. Powerful voices have warned that if the arbitration community does not effectively regulate itself then regulation will be imposed. Responses to this challenge have included explicit provisions in the LCIA Arbitration Rules, guidelines promulgated by the International Bar Association, proposals for a global ethics tribunal, admonitions to behave more responsibly—and vocal opposition to doing anything at all.Read more

Hong Kong

Seminar on Co-mediation

Please click into this link to view more about the topics of this seminar.Read more

Hong Kong


「轉型升級‧香港博覽」是香港貿發局於內地最大型的香港服務業旗艦推動活動,此博覽會 自2011年起每年於內地主要城市舉行,以展覽會、專業商貿配對、交流活動、論壇及一系列研討會集中推廣各類有助內地企業增強競爭力的香港專業服務。歷屆 活動共吸引超過四萬名當地企業代表進場參觀及出席各個研討會。2015年,貿發局將5月27 至28日於山東省濟南市舉辦第五屆「轉型升級‧香港博覽」,並同期舉辦「CEO論壇」,重點介紹香作港為內地企業進軍國際的理想平台。詳情請瀏覽展會網站: http://www.hktdc.com/fair/smarthkjn-tc/Read more


asialaw Asia-Pacific In-house Counsel Summit 2015

The Asia-Pacific In-house Counsel Summit is the region’s leading event for corporate and bankers’ counsel. Entering its 12th year, the summit is returning on May 27 at the Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel to address the latest challenges facing in-house counsel lawyers in the market today.Read more

Hong Kong

Cross Border Contracts & Arbitration

This Cross Border Contracts & Arbitration intensive training is focusing on cross border contract challenges and solutions by determining the accurate arbitration clause that needed to be included.Read more


Carnival & Conflicts! - An Introduction to Dispute Resolution in Latin America

Key practitioners from Latin America will share their experiences and give their advice to the uninitiated on a region that is hugely diverse and at times unpredictable. From the “must knows” to the “must not’s”, learn more about what to welcome and what to fear when resolving disputes with parties from the region.Read more

Hong Kong
