Events Calendar

Organised, attended or supported by HKIAC

Colombo Arbitration Week 2023

HKIAC is pleased to announce that we have become a of the supporting organizations for Colombo Arbitration Week 2023.

Our Deputy Secretary-General, Mr. Eric Ng, will participate to the panel discussion - "In favor of not reinventing the wheel – the model followed by leading arbitral seats."

Colombo Arbitration Week is a valuable platform that unites local and international ADR users and practitioners. It offers a unique opportunity to exchange perspectives, share knowledge, and discuss various aspects of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). The inaugural event in 2022 featured esteemed experts in arbitration and mediation, covering topics like Investor-State Dispute Settlement, Multi-tiered Dispute Resolution Clauses in Construction Disputes, the proposed Arbitration Act for Sri Lanka, and Sri Lanka's Commercial Mediation Landscape. Additionally, the event included a dedicated session for NextGen practitioners, focusing on training and experiential opportunities.

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06 Aug 2023

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